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RIP Actor Politician Vijayakanth: 1952 – 2023

Vijayakanth Tamil Actor Movie

In the realm of , there have been many actors who have left an indelible mark on the industry and one such is , fondly known as “Captain” by his fans, was a force to be reckoned with in the film industry. Image source: Quora

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Driving Skills 101: What Is The Correlation Between Accidents And Dangerous Roads?

Accident Map Death

When one takes a look at the fatalities from road accidents across the , does not have a good record considering the numbers are higher than those developed countries namely the US and countries in Europe. Image source: Our World In Data.

On the other hand, Saudi Arabia has one of the good road infrastructures due to their petroleum money and yet they fare the worst when it comes to road fatalities. There is no correlation between the quality of roads and the number of road accidents.

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Malaysia 101: MIC Former President Samy Vellu (1936 – 2022) & Unresolved Case of MAIKA

samy vellu snippet

One cannot forget the many funny quotes uttered by the late Tun who was the minister under ‘s cabinet handling 2 main portfolios covering public works, energy, telecommunication and post and who was also the long-serving president of the Malaysian Congress (). Image source: Wikipedia

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Documentary 101: PBS Frontline – Boeing’s Fatal Flaw 2021

787 Dreamliner Boeing

On 14th September , PBS Frontline ran an excellent documentary on ‘s series of shocking mishandling & process failure in the manufacturing of the new 737-Max passenger plane. The trigger point was the introduction of the new and the delay of Boeing’s next model, the 787 Dreamliner. Image source: PRNewsfoto/Boeing

There was tremendous pressure to bring the new plane into the market in time to counter Airbus’ A320Neo plane. In the end, a software glitch caused 2 major accidents that saw 346 passengers & crew died, Boeing & airlines suffered substantial financial losses due to glitch & grounded planes and caused the chairman & CEO, Dennis Muilenburg his job.

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World Affairs 101: Lessons To Be Learned, The Aberfan Disaster

The Crown Aberfan Queen Royalty TV

With Netflix as our main source of entertainment these days, one of the favourite series among others has been which portrays the life of Queen Elizabeth II from her wedding in the 1940s until the 1990s and some key moments in history including the . Image Source: Scala Radio

Although one accepts that considering it is , some of the events that have happened would have been heavily dramatized. It however does shows the tension and stress that the royalties, namely Prince Phillip and Prince Charles in light of the standing of the Queen.

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Human Relationship 101: The Beautiful Malak Who Stole Our Cold Hearts

malak iraq ISIS war zone refugee children

This story of a young girl named whose father and mother had died tragically is indeed has been an eye-opener on the plight of innocent refugee in the many zones around the . The situation around the world is now even more precarious with the COVID19 pandemic which also saw the reduction of and aid. Image source: Preemptive Love

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RIP SP Balasubrahmanyam: 1946 – 2020

SP Balasubrahmanyam SP Bala 1980s Illayarajaa

The legend with the Maestro Illayarajaa and both have made some of the best classic, ever-green songs that is still popular in this millennium – the voice of my many favourite songs has passed away today. Image source: The Hindu

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RIP Irrfan Khan: 1967 – 2020

Irrfan Khan

This is one of best ‘s quotable quotes – we don’t have a culture of realistic acting in . Our films still are influenced by Parsi theater. Parsi theater was known for melodrama. It’s all about emotions. Image source: Variety / Quote source: NPR

How right he was when it comes to Indian !

Read More »RIP Irrfan Khan: 1967 – 2020

Outbreak 2020: Novel Coronavirus Situation As At 13th February 2020


There has been a huge spike in in recent days. The 2019-nCoV virus (now known as COVID-19) situation as at 13th February 2020: 1,489 dead, 6,984 recovered and 64,268 confirmed cases. Since 8th February 2020, the number of deaths has increased by another 675 deaths.

Compared to 8th February 2020, the fatality rate as of 13th February 2020 had increased from 2.17% to 2.32% but the recovery rate had improved from 7.77% to 10.87%. The number of confirmed cases in unfortunately had also increased from 16 cases to 19 confirmed cases but without any fatality (Singapore also saw an increase from 40 to 58 cases todate). Image source: The Center for Systems Science and Engineering

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Enforcement 101: Ops Sikap: Attitude vs Enforcement

UPDATE: Follow up on , it is good to hear that the police is going all out for those who are on the roads. Hopefully, they will find better ways to crack down pesky motorcyclists and enforce the law on those who change lane without putting on the indicators, abuse the , hog the roads, etc

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(Caught this video back in 2008 of those who abuse the emergency lane – nothing have changed in 2011. Will we see a change of attitude in 2012?)

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