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Hulu Selangor

Politics 101: Hulu Selangor By-Election Poser Part 4

Beer Hulu Selangor Hishamuddin

(With no new ideas, the battle in has now turned into a “battle of the bottles”, so some quarters say. No word on the street that Kamalanathan also drinks but Indians are known to take alcohol like water. Image source:

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Politics 101: Mission Selangor Take Over Plan (STOP)

Misi Tawan Selangor

(Before STOP, there were many other missions to wrestle back the richest state, in the country. Image source: Malaysia Today)

STOP is the latest campaign launched by the oppositions in the state of Selangor (that’s to you and me) to wrestle back the state from . This, I guess, is the latest of many campaigns in the past – perhaps probably after the failed “we need more jumping frogs” campaign.

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