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Firefighter Adib Tragedy: The Verdict is Out


(Adib’s death – is this supposed to be the result of temple going, God fearing devotees? Why there was danger to fire fighters when the peace loving devotees suppose to help the fire fighters to do their job? Photo Source: NST)

It was a tragedy that should not have ever happened to a fire fighter

Who is in sound mind would have wanted to injured (in this case killed) a fire fighter rushing in to put a fire? Only a senseless evil person would have wanted to do that. Coroner’s Court on last Friday after 41 days of inquest proceeding concluded that the death of the fireman was due to “two or more persons unknown”

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Childhood Memories: Part 00 – Demise of the Indian Barber Shop

Indian Barber

Don’t think any Malaysians from my generation had not been to an Indian barber in the neighbourhood. Image (Source)

My first experience of going to a barber was back in the old neighbourhood where the barber was actually the neighbour who lived in the same row of houses like us. Being a good friend of my dad, he often cut our hair as short as possible even though we tried our best to get him to cut in the latest styles.

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Blogging 101: News Snippets As At 21 February 2014


(News snippet – upset a group of people in this country, you will end up getting a dead chicken on your doorstep. Well, it used to be a cow head. That is what will happen when you have people thinking with their emotions and not their intelligence. Image source:

Read More »Blogging 101: News Snippets As At 21 February 2014