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Religion 101: Playing Ignorance Of Law Is Not A Defence

Al Islam Religion Law Ignorance

(The magazine’s cocked up story was done after 2 Muslim reporters went undercover as Catholics and make a mockery of themselves, the notion of tolerance to other religions and fellow Malaysians and then claimed ignorance of the law. Image source: Nut Graph)

In law, there is a maxim that states “ignorance of the law is not a defence”

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Enforcement 101: Another Dumb Call for Beer Ban Again?

genting highland trip 2006 drinks beer ban

Another call for a beer ban by the fanatics who don’t beer but wants to enjoy the taxes collected from the sale of beers?  When it comes to corruption or abuse of public funds, you will see these fanatics go into a silent mode and hardly say anything. 

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Malaysia 2009: Perak Fiasco & BN Strikes Back

perak speaker pakatan rakyat BN

(The Law of the Jungle in motion in Perak – the legitimate Speaker being forcibly removed. Image source: Jeff Ooi)

One thing is for sure in Perak – things are getting absurd and the people are at the losing end in the battle between Barisan Nasional (BN) and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) politicians.

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