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Member of Parliament

History 101: Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang – Great & Noble National Contributions Recognised

Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang DAP Parliament

I always regarded as a true Statesman who had only looked at things beyond race & religion and had always fought for the rights of ordinary Malaysians. Here’s the photo of him being sworn in as a for the first time in 1971 at the age of 30. He was elected in 1969 but was suspended for two years under an Emergency. Image source: Free Malaysia Today.

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Parliament 101: What Is The Role Of A Strong Opposition In A Democracy?

parliament MPs opposition democracy

In a matured democracy, the serves many purposes and one of the key components to prove that democracy is alive & kicking is the role played by the side of the . Without a strong Opposition to keep the Government on its toes, the Parliament will be is nothing but a mere rubber stamp to all the nonsense that the Government will do. Image source: The Net

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Malaysia in Turmoil 2020: Malaysia in Stalemate & Anwar’s Chance is Slim


As far as I am concerned, the dust yet to settle on the recent Malaysian political drama – nothing have settled yet. On paper, no one has a clear majority to take up the lead and be the next Prime Minister. Image source: Bloomberg / Yahoo Finance

It may come down to the end, to the last minute and after plenty of frog jumping, inducements and promises made before the nation decides that we have no choice but to call for .

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Democracy 101: A Good Parliamentary Debate


(The is certainly not THE place for any funny business. The House of Commons in session and in a good mood for a debate over ‘s motion on . Although not all the MPs had the opportunity to speak their mind on the motion, whoever did managed, left a positive impression on the viewers. Image source: the Net)

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Governance 101: Dump the Dumb Politicians

YouTube player

(The conceptual video relating to ‘s recent announcement of their revolutionary Project Glass – assuming that nothing tragic happens in December 2012 and things go on as usual thereafter, we must recognize that the future is all about information at fingertips and on how it gets distributed and used in our daily lives. It will be a very technological and world – will we have the right smart leaders to lead us then?)

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Elections 101: Bersih 2.0 – Where is Loud Mouth Wally?

Bersih Wally Ibrahim Perkasa

(At times like the Bersih rally, it seems OK to have people who talked about and threaten others – they hardly make the impact but it is not acceptable when the person making threats is a Member of Parliament and make seditious statements but remains free from arrests and prosecutions. Image source:

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Parliament 101: Searching For Good Malaysian MPs These Days

parliament MPs

It’s tough to be a good MP these days. The real good ones are either in the or in the “wilderness” after being suspended. Others are quietly sitting down in the corner and have decided to play safe. Image source: the Net

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