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General Knowledge 101: Between Raw Facts and Twisted Facts

facts facebook Hillary

This just proves that there are too many idiots on social media who do not know the facts when they open their mouth to comment on something. This particular comment in the post is one such example where one is talking Edmund Hillary who had climbed the Mount Everest and not the politician Hillary Clinton.

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Space 101: High Tech, Impressive Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover

Perseverance mars rover nasa space 2020

When it comes to and in particular the (the famed ), an important event scheduled to take place next month in July 2020 – ‘s 5th MARS rover is scheduled to be launched and is expected to land in MARS on February 2021. Information & Image Sources: Wikipedia & NASA & JPL

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Before You Can Reach for Space, Learn to Grow Up First

Read these first:-


( – this is where the future lies and we need to look beyond, move beyond our comfort zone. Image source:

Well, let’s read this interesting piece of development when it comes to the direction of the nation:-

Malaysia now has a National Policy to allow the country to look into developing technologies related to aerospace and turn it into a new economic contributor.

With the policy in place, authorities can plan to develop this sector systematically and ensure it is well managed so that the nation will benefit from it.

Datuk Seri Tun Razak said that fields related to space , be it research or creating new technologies, have vast potential and he was confident that Malaysia could become a significant contributor to the world in these areas.

The Prime Minister said he was happy to read about the success story of astrophysics PhD student Nurul Adlyka Ainul Annuar, whose discovery in the field of astronomy made headlines around the world.


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Space 101: A Long, Long Way from Beautiful Pluto


The spacecraft which had reached the planet Pluto (yes, it is a planet now) is now one of the fastest man-made craft with a relative velocity of 49,600 km/h – the record is still held by Voyager 1, currently travelling at 61,720 km/h relative to the Sun. Poster source:

We have passed the half of this year and considering what we have gone through so far, one hopes that the year would end sooner than expected. But before that, when it comes to the topic of and , 3 things would have made the year 2015 very sweet indeed.

One would be the NASA spacecraft New Horizons passes by .

And frankly speaking, Pluto never looked so beautiful before this and with radio signals taking four and a half hours to travel between the spacecraft and Earth, the spacecraft can only transmit data at 1 to 2 Kbps, which means that the transmission of all data (for last 10 years) will require sixteen months (source: Wikipedia).

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Space 101: Next Stop, The Illusive Red Planet?

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Are we on target to visit the ? Given the state of the country as at now, you can safely say that when we celebrate the year 2020, this country would not have achieved the status of a “developed country”. So Dr M’s will remain a vision and will not become a reality, at least in 2020.

For one, had taken precedent in key areas of the country and have caused a mismatch of priorities. Instead of us busy with human resource development and preparing the country for a “developed” status, we are busy on which law to use and how holy or religious one must be.

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Religion 101: Direction of a Nation Part 1


(What is the right direction for a nation – strive on & or push the indoctrination of .Map source: Where People Trust Religion More Than Science)

Sometimes when you see what happens around the world and see how much mankind have moved forward since, since I don’t know – perhaps since he climbed down from the trees and learned to walk on his own 2 feet hundred thousands of years ago, you get this amazing, proud happy feeling.

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End of The World 2012: Killer Solar Flares

nasa solar flares sun image

(Solar flares is a serious threat around . Both NASA and ESA confirmed the next huge solar flares between September 2012 and May 2013. We all heard about the big one in 1859 and it looks like we are not far away from major solar flares coming our way. Source: Wikimedia)

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Dreams 101: The Unexpected, Strange End of Mankind?

mars mankind dreams planet desert

(Will mankind be able to survive here? The surrounding on in thousands of years looked something like this but it was darker and more sinister. Image source: NeedPix)

From a dream…

I was part of an international team to be sent into the future to study how mankind will go extinct.

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