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Governance 101: Yes, It’s A Suicide Verdict But….

teoh beng hock MACC suicide

(So, this was “suicide due to guilt feeling” back then but with a twist now – it is driven to suicide by aggressive interrogation. No matter how we look at it, Teoh Beng Hock should not be dead in the first place – it is a tragic loss and failure by MACC to conduct its business in the right way)

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New Malaysia 101: 1Malaysia Banned On Petty Excuses

malaysia 1malaysia

(Before 2008, BN was beyond the general Malaysian’s acceptable level of arrogance and egoism. After 2008, PR provided some hope but it simply gets too political instead of getting the job done for the benefit of the people. Hopefully the “Third Force” changes the whole political landscape for the better. Image source: The People’s Parliament)

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Politics 101: Mission Selangor Take Over Plan (STOP)

Misi Tawan Selangor

(Before STOP, there were many other missions to wrestle back the richest state, Selangor in the country. Image source: Malaysia Today)

STOP is the latest campaign launched by the oppositions in the state of Selangor (that’s BN to you and me) to wrestle back the state from Pakatan Rakyat. This, I guess, is the latest of many campaigns in the past – perhaps probably after the failed “we need more jumping frogs” campaign.

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Malaysian Politics 101: Samy Vellu And MIC, Above Shadow of Doubt!

It looks a case of Samy Vellu = MIC or rather MIC = Samy Vellu, forever and ever…

samy vellu

(Read my lips – I will resign if my No 2 man is ready. Image source:

Not a big fan of the ‘self claiming representatives’ of the Indian community (a mirage that was scattered by the Hindraf rallies) but recent developments in calling the MIC supremo to stand down has been nothing but comical.

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Enforcement 101: MACC: The Death Of Teoh Beng Hock Tragedy

teoh beng hock MACC

(According to MACC, Teoh Beng Hock had jumped to his death but then if Teoh had jumped, why his pants are torn? Was it because someone was holding on to his pants before Teoh fell? Image source: Shar101)

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