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MH370: The Side Show

It is going to be a week since MH370 went missing and yet, we have not lost hope…

Whilst the whole world is anxiously waiting for any positive news for the missing MH370 and the relatives, friends and the Government of the missing passengers have strongly expressed their dissatisfaction with the sometimes contradictory and lack of information coming out from Malaysia, they are unfortunately had to deal with this:-

[youtube=]… [Click to read the rest] “MH370: The Side Show”

Religion 101: Daily Mantras, The Powerful Morning Prayers

(They say that we remember better if we put things down in writing and repeat it on a daily basis in form of a mantra)


(One in the morning before leaving the house. Image source:

Bung Mokhtar may be stirred up a hornet’s nest with this but frankly speaking, there is some truth with what he has said. But let’s not muddle the matter even more – we can find idiots on both sides of the gender groups.

Read More »Religion 101: Daily Mantras, The Powerful Morning Prayers

Enforcement 101: When Perak Pakatan Rakyat Defend Criminals

perak speaker pakatan rakyat

(It is already bad for Pakatan Rakyat politicians for already losing the State of Perak no thanks to self-centred frogs, do you want to lose the support of the people too ah? Stop supporting the criminals otherwise, you will never gain the trust of the people. Image source: Malaysiakini)

Read More »Enforcement 101: When Perak Pakatan Rakyat Defend Criminals