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Taxpayer’s Money: More Outraged "Goodies" in 2014

Taxpayer's Money

(To be fair, one’s voting rights cannot be questioned by anyone but there must be a break point somewhere on how much of the abuse and wastage of taxpayer’s money that a that has been in power for so long can be allowed to continue. And seeing on how all that sweet talk and endless promises of cost reduction during the election campaign simply disappeared within months from the election, hopefully people had wise up and will take things with a pinch of salt in the next election?[Click to read the rest] “Taxpayer’s Money: More Outraged "Goodies" in 2014”

World Affairs 101: Syrian War – Can Never Trust Them, Eh?


(We all seriously hope has a concrete financial plan for the country when it comes to empowerment of its people and the and not doing for the sake of his own political survival in the upcoming political party elections. As taxpayers, no one wants to see their hard-earned down the toilet on short-sighted financial plans. Image source:

Sorry for starting with something “international” this week – ‘s political circus show hardly makes a dent on the front pages at where I am now.

Read More »World Affairs 101: Syrian War – Can Never Trust Them, Eh?

Cost of Living 101: Another Petrol Price Hike…


(What we see whenever the Government increase the price of essentials like petrol and ask the taxpayers to change their lifestyle – a burden that we are  willing to share provided the Government does the same. Image source:

I have been quite busy with work this week and the recent news from tanahair did not sound that good too. From the massive water disruption in the Klang Valley on Merdeka Day to the petrol from the BN and to my son have a bad cough for the last few days.

Read More »Cost of Living 101: Another Petrol Price Hike…

Economy 101: Kiasu Noises from Singaporeans On Fuel Price

Noise RON95 RON97 Petrol Station Shell Fuel Singaporean

(It is a mystery when Singaporeans make noise on the of RON95 when it is still cheaper for them to buy the more expensive RON97 fuel. Image source: SVmongk, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

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Economy 101: Little Effect of Taxpayer Money On Fancy Projects

USD Money wallet

(We don’t have falling out from the sky for very personal whims and fancy projects – a fact some in have yet to realize. Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels)

No end for short-sighted, money-wasting people in Malaysia.

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Economy 101: The Small RM0.05 Increase Of Essential Good Price

USD Money wallet essential good price

(The very little that we earn should be spent only on the essential items but their prices must be reasonable. The same goes for the who has access to limited . It should be spent on development and not on some fancy projects or subsidies. Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels)

Read More »Economy 101: The Small RM0.05 Increase Of Essential Good Price

Malaysia 101: When Taxpayers’ Money Hits The Palace’s Fan

Istana Negara Palace Malaysia

(The old is already looking majestic and we have already spent millions on it but we went ahead to construct a new palace. We end up looking like dungus but what the heck, we been in that situation before. The new palace looks good on paper but the volume of abuse and of funds to build it makes the whole affair end up looking too ugly. Image source: Tok Ey Ai)

Read More »Malaysia 101: When Taxpayers’ Money Hits The Palace’s Fan

Economy 101: What Is Interesting In 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP)?

10MP Bloomberg Malaysia Plan Economy Malaysia

(The problem with is not his ideas in his but his willpower and having the right character to make the actual change. After the stunt, he pulled off in Perak, who is going to believe what he says? Image source: Bloomberg)

Read More »Economy 101: What Is Interesting In 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP)?

Malaysia 101: Why We Are Lacking Money for Schools?

Classroom School Malaysia Design

(How well we have designed our with the right that is conducive for better learning? Are we spending taxpayers on real that will create doctors, engineers and scientists or wasting it to create religious teachers? Image source: Wikipedia)

Read More »Malaysia 101: Why We Are Lacking Money for Schools?

Economy 101: Taxing Petrol Subsidy Gone But…

Petrol Station Subsidy Malaysia

A long, long time ago, when the petrol was increased, one “work-with-me” PM vowed to use the RM4 billion saved on petrol on the development of public transportation. Photo by sergio souza from Pexels

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