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Military 101: RMN’s Littoral Costal Ship Design – Big Differences Between Gowind & Sigma Class

RMN Frigate KD Lekiu Jebat Navy Ship

Presently KD Jebat and KD Lekiu are the most capable frigate ships in the Royal Malaysian Navy’s fleet with Exocet Block 2 SSM and Sea Wolf SAM and are due to be complemented by the new 6 Maharaja Lela class frigates under the Littoral Coastal Ship Program. Image source: Wikipedia

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Gaming 101: Chess – Deep In Strong Strategies & Tactics Thoughts

Chess Game Gaming

A long time ago before we started playing the well-known game of strategy, chess, we played checkers in our old neighbourhood as it was simpler to play. It was difficult to play chess initially as different pieces on the board have different modes of movement and also because there was no one to teach us the right way to play. Photo by Simón Arroyave.

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Farming 101: Precision & Smart Farming – Part 3: Lessons from Malaysia

Agriculture Farming Statistics Graph

When one is looking at farming land in the country, there is a substantial increase in agricultural land in Malaysia since the 1960s. In 2018, the farmland area for Malaysia was 85,710 sq. km. The farmland area of Malaysia increased from 37,559 sq. km in 1969 to 85,710 sq. km in 2018 growing at an average annual rate of 1.72%. Data & chart source: World Bank

Read More »Farming 101: Precision & Smart Farming – Part 3: Lessons from Malaysia