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Prepping 101: Doomsday Bunker – Part 1: Original Idea & Interesting Samples

Svalbard Global Seed Vault Doomsday Bunker

One of the more famous doomsday bunkers in the world is the bunker for seeds – Svalbard’s Global Seed Vault that holds more than a million varieties of seeds of food crops and it is protected from natural disasters and the temperature is regulated to ensure long term storage of the seeds. Image source: Wikipedia.

Read More »Prepping 101: Doomsday Bunker – Part 1: Original Idea & Interesting Samples

Military 101: F-20 Tigershark – Excellent Fighter That China Helped To Kill

F-20 Tigershark Northrop F-5E RMAF fighter jet aircraft

What if Northrop (now Northrop Grumman) brings back their next evolution of F- 5E fighter which is known as the F-20 Tigershark and update it with the latest technology and offer it as the next generation light combat fighter? Image source: Wikipedia.

Read More »Military 101: F-20 Tigershark – Excellent Fighter That China Helped To Kill

Military 101: China’s Aggressive Naval Expansion & India’s Responses

China Aircraft Carrier Navy Naval Liaoning

Presently China has 2 battle-ready aircraft carriers, both of which is based on Russia’s ex-aircraft carrier but this is not stopping them from constructing more aircraft carriers. It is said that they may have up to 6 aircraft carriers including nuclear-powered ones. China’s first aircraft carrier, Liaoning started off as a Russian Kuznetsov-class aircraft cruiser Riga and is capable of carrying 40 aircraft of different types. Image source: Business Insider.

Read More »Military 101: China’s Aggressive Naval Expansion & India’s Responses