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Overseas Assignment 2009: Bored Trip to Brunei – Part 2: Starting Work

Brunei Chicken Curry Food

Despite Brunei being a hardcore Islamic country, the Government is quite tolerant of restaurants serving pork dishes. This is because of the sizeable Chinese community in Brunei which makes it easy to get a good dish of Bakuteh. So when I had a chance to switch to the good old chicken curry, it was a welcomed dish.

Read More »Overseas Assignment 2009: Bored Trip to Brunei – Part 2: Starting Work

Religion 101: Thaipusam Scary Trip to Batu Caves 2009 Part 1

thaipusam batu caves hinduism hindu malaysia

(Batu Caves – best visited on any day except on Thaipusam. Less crowd and easy parking but a big miss on interesting kavadis. Image source:

It is has been a long weekend for me. We managed to get some outstanding things done during the holidays but it comes at a price – body aching and foot pain. It gets worse once I reached the office, only to find urgent things to be done in the next 2 days and a meeting scheduled at night in KL.

Certainly, this is not the way to start the week.

Read More »Religion 101: Thaipusam Scary Trip to Batu Caves 2009 Part 1