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Blogging 101: 6 Boring Things To Do To Revitalise Old Blog Posts

blogging cartoon

When I have free time for , I spent most of the time drafting posts for the upcoming publications. It has never been a smooth process considering that I have general ideas but when it comes to the details, I would just stare at the screen contemplating the words to use – to start the post off and then go clueless on what comes next. Cartoon source: Danziger / New York Times

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Mission 2020: Revive the Dying Art of Penmanship


One with the skill of good , it is said that Year 8 student in Nepal has the most beautiful handwriting in the world. Image source:

Some people’s penmanship skills are truly amazing and fine – it defines art at one’s fingertips and beautiful structure of information at the same time. In case, you are not sure about the meaning of penmanship, Merriam-Webster defines it as the art or practice of with the pen or quality or style of handwriting

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NaNoWriMo 2009: Nearing 50,000 Words Closure

NaNoWriMo Words Writing Blogging

(There is a strange feeling when one is reaching the 50,000 words mark participating in the NaNoWriMo month. Image source:

I am sorry for not very regularly for the .

It is just that I have been busy with and during the night and on the weekends, I have been “burning the midnight oil” on my for the NaNoWriMo 2009.… [Click to read the rest] “NaNoWriMo 2009: Nearing 50,000 Words Closure”

NaNoWriMo 101: Tough But Finished the 2008 Completion Line

Nanowrimo storytelling writing story

is short for National Month, a creative challenge that takes place every . The goal is to write a novel of at least 50,000 words in 30 days, without worrying about quality or . Image source: Nanowrimo

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