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Driving Skills 101: No Reason to Disrespect Emergency Service Vehicle!!

emergency service vehicle ambulance

(An emergency service vehicles refer to the ambulance, fire truck or the police vehicles that have their sirens and their strobe lights on. Image source: Thgusstavo Santana from Pexels)

The siren and the strobes are on for a very important reason – it is to warn other road users to take notice and give way to these emergency service vehicles to move faster and reach their destinations as quickly as possible.… [Click to read the rest] “Driving Skills 101: No Reason to Disrespect Emergency Service Vehicle!!”

World Mysteries 101: The Ghostly, Strange UVB-76 Radio Station

UVB-76 Russia Radio Station Mystery

(When searching for UVB-76, it is alleged that this is one of the secret radio station emitting a strange buzzing tone to the secret listeners. Image source: Slavorum)

We all love a good mystery (especially if it is paranormal related) and I noticed this mentioned in one of the top 5 strange things happening around the world. Just what is the purpose of the radio station and what is the meaning of the tone send out.

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Parenting 101: When Bored Kids Turned To Master Bakers

baking brownies kids lockdown cake cooking

(The sweet end results for the kids at home when little master chefs at home decide to use their free time at home and instead start using their baking skills) 

One of the biggest challenges that we as parents have during this pandemic and the schools closed is on keeping our kids occupied with something productive and something new so that they don’t get bored. Otherwise, they will opt for something that is not productive namely watching TV the whole day or on their phones playing games.

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