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Special Projects 101: Part 3: New Car Makeover 2021 – Repairing Faulty Air Conditioner Switch

air conditioner switch rolling down window fuel consumption

According to this study and on the contrary, belief, rolling down your windows does save more fuel than rolling up and switching on the air conditioner. Personally, I roll up the windows not to save the fuel but to keep the cabin noise down for me to listen to the music when I am diving. Image source: Business Insider

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Documentary Review 101: Excellent The Only Son by Simonka de Jong 2012

The Only Son Simonka de Jong Youtube Video Documentary

I caught this excellent documentary by Simonka de Jong, a 49 years old Dutch filmmaker based in Amsterdam, Netherlands on Youtube the other day. I was amazed by the simplicity of the storyline and yet where the characters in this documentary face some of the toughest conflicts in the daily lives. Image source: Youtube.

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Military 101: The Fuss About Israel’s Iron Dome Air Defence System

iron dome Israel air defence system military missiles

In recent days, the world saw the interesting show of force from Israel’s Iron Dome air defence system against the Hamas’ rockets fired from Gaza. The question is whether this is a new concept or it is an evolution of an old aged air defence system that integrates air radars, fire control station and fast intercepting missile? Image source: India Today

Read More »Military 101: The Fuss About Israel’s Iron Dome Air Defence System