Technology 101: Making DVD Ripping Easy
As technology evolves, the media storing movies also changes from VHS cassettes, VCD, DVD and now softcopy files that can be stored in a thumb drive. Photo by Agostino Toselli from Pexels
Anything to do with technology, science, space and design
As technology evolves, the media storing movies also changes from VHS cassettes, VCD, DVD and now softcopy files that can be stored in a thumb drive. Photo by Agostino Toselli from Pexels
Well, after 6 years and 9,730 photo shots, my severally outdated and function limited 3.2 megapixel Fuji A210 has decided to give some problems.
Read More »Photography 101: Time To Say Goodbye To My First Fuji
Some of us use desktop computers or laptops all day long for work, communication and leisure. Over time, without any cleanup and maintenance, the performance of these machines will degrade and will impact on our work. Over the years, I have learned to keep things trimmed and cleaned and it usually starts with my desktop.
Let’s make it more functional – you may have your own styles, here’s mine
Read More »Tech News 101: Windows XP With Functional & Cleaner Desktop
The Death Star from the Star Wars universal was 120 kilometres in diameter. Much of its interior space was devoted to systems required to maintain its massive super laser and power plant. At the heart of the Death Star is a gigantic hyper matter reactor. Within this chamber burned a fusion reaction of prodigious proportions, fed by stellar fuel bottles lining its periphery (Star Wars Databank)
The modern elevator is a wonder in itself and I remember my old office elevators which had the elevator boy who will take care of the buttons to press and do some form of crowd control. Most of them know which floor we will drop off by heart and never fail to smile & wish us good morning when we see them in the morning. Photo by cottonbro studioRead More »Technology 101: Trapped In The Modern Elevator Part 2
The modern elevator is more dependable and never breaks down provided it is maintained and serviced regularly. But it can happen when you are in the wrong place, wrong time. Photo by cottonbro studio
Read More »Technology 101: Trapped In The Modern Elevator Part 1
If you are interested in astronomy and just like to watch the stars at night and wonder what is the name of the star anywhere in the world, you have to check out the open-source software, Stellarium.
Read More »Space 101: Using Stellarium For Facinating Space Exploration
The new IJN has an issue when it comes to design which is the process of creating something that meets a specific purpose or goal. Design can be applied to many fields, such as art, engineering, architecture, software, etc. Design involves planning, researching, sketching, prototyping, testing, and evaluating the outcome. Image source: Google
Read More »Design 101: Dealing With Bad Design in IJN Parking
For start, I revamped my desktop be like this when Alizee had me going weird this morning.
Read More »Tech News 101: XP Desktop, Improved WordPress Theme
The latest Diablo 3 is an action role-playing game that is developed by Blizzard and starting off with Diablo 1 that was released in 1997. However, it was Diablo 2 that was released in 2000, became my personal favourite and which I played for hours till the end. Image source: Blizzard.
Read More »Gaming 101: The Fight Against The Powerful Diablo 3
The Zenit SLR camera is a classic example of Soviet-era ingenuity and craftsmanship in the field of photography. Originating from the Krasnogorsk Mechanical Plant near Moscow in 1952, and later also produced by BelOMO in Belarus, these robust 35 mm SLR cameras have captured moments through lenses like the Helios 44-2. Known for their durability and simple design, Zenit cameras have been a popular choice for both amateur and professional photographers around the world. Image source: Macity Net
Read More »Photography 101: Russian Zenit 122 – My First True Original SLR