Now, current event blogging should be picking up the heat now that YB Lim Kit Siang has joined in with his comments and analysis on the political news (some are also shown on the DAP website). This coupled with the brilliants insights from Aiseh Man, Mack and Jeff Ooi (there’s more I know), the understanding of “what’s really happening” behind Malaysian politics’ “sandiwara” could be clearer to the common rakyat like you and me.
I have “known” DAP since I was still small. Spending a good of my younger days in Serdang (once a stronghold of DAP), I still remember the big “rocket” made of wood along the main road. That itself became a landmark to go my grandma’s house. I still remember the time when my uncle was giving direction to someone “After the rocket, go up another 1 km, turn left…”.
When DAP decided to “hold hands” with PAS for the general election, coupled with well-tuned propaganda (?) from the “other” parties, I lost respect to YB Lim Kit Siang and his DAP. I must agree that I occasionally visit his homepage but that too for checking things out (sometimes I just can’t trust our local dailies…some stories are just too good to be true but I don’t blame them).
Now, reading YB Lim Kit Siang’s comments from a very familiar-looking template, I find that it is easier to digest some of his thoughts and criticise the rest.
I am not much into politics but unfortunately, none of us can escape from the blunders that some politicians do (and they have the cheek to call it the “right thing” to do). So, sometimes, it is better to have the story from the correct sources to understand the “how, why, who, when and where”.
Until then, I will finish this…with a warm welcome to YB Lim Kit Siang.
Happy blogging.
Remember when YB Lim Kit Siang blogs, blogging rocks!
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