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November 2005

A dummies’ guide on how to behave like a Malaysian Politician in time of crisis

(The man in “thick of the action” – Deputy Internal Security Minister: “Semuanya OK?”. Does this sound familiar? Picture source:

Whenever I read the newspaper or watch the over TV these days, some of the actions (or rather reactions) of our especially those who call themselves Ministers & Deputy Ministers, looks all too familiar.

[Click to read the rest] “A dummies’ guide on how to behave like a Malaysian Politician in time of crisis”

Imagine how our world will be if…

(Remember John Lennon and his famous song “Imagine”? He sang “Imagine there’s no heaven, it’s easy if you try…Imagine there’s no countries, it isn’t hard to do…Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can…” – Picture source:

Imagination can be a powerful mental exercise. If we imagine positive things, it can soothe the mind and feelings.… [Click to read the rest] “Imagine how our world will be if…”

The day I ignored my own judgement!

(Imagine seeing this the whole time when driving and was not wise enough to pull over and fill it up. That is being foolish indeed. Picture source:

These days I fill my car tank full…I am not sure why. Perhaps it was due to the increase in the price of petrol or it was the convenience of filling it once (rather than several times).
[Click to read the rest] “The day I ignored my own judgement!” is indeed delicious!

Ever since I started on , 2 things kept me interested to continue to blog: –
1. coming with the content for a blog (it’s a good mental exercise) and
2. Able to learn new things (when it comes to tweaking my blogspot, my hands are just too itchy to keep still)

Now, with my blog growing in the last 6 months, I am finding some difficulty to search through past blog entries.

[Click to read the rest] “ is indeed delicious!”

Taiping Trips 101: Black Panther! Courting Danger with One in Taiping!


(Back in Taiping Zoo, I can be standing next to a big “hungry-looking” panther – so close that I could easily put my fingers in and touch the animal. I did not try my luck. The good thing was the panthers were behind a cage and the cats have just been fed, phew! Image Source: Wikipedia)

I had been planning to take my son to the for some time now.

He is now able to recognise the different types of animals from the TV shows (such as the Big Bird in Sesame Street) and we thought it would be good if he could see the animals in real (as long as he does not ask about Big Bird). The opportunity was there when we travelled back to for the . We planned to take him to the Taiping Zoo – it will be my 2nd trip to the zoo.

Read More »Taiping Trips 101: Black Panther! Courting Danger with One in Taiping!

Tamil Movie Review: Sivakasi 2005, Funny And Engaging Movie

sivakasi vijay movie tamil comedy

(Sivakasi with Hema – “relationship” that only can be made in the Tamil movies and Sivakasi making his “explosive” entrance – Picture source: Amazon)

It was a lazy afternoon, a couple of days ago when we decided to head out to see a movie. I am not a big fan of Tamil Movies but being curious, we decided to see “Sivakasi” starring Vijay (heard a lot of this movie from my cousins).… [Click to read the rest] “Tamil Movie Review: Sivakasi 2005, Funny And Engaging Movie”

Dreams 101: The Unexpected, Strange End of Mankind?

mars mankind dreams planet desert

(Will mankind be able to survive here? The surrounding on in thousands of years looked something like this but it was darker and more sinister. Image source: NeedPix)

From a dream…

I was part of an international team to be sent into the future to study how mankind will go extinct.

Read More »Dreams 101: The Unexpected, Strange End of Mankind?

Time Out!

( has no beaches but I guess this is how me and my son will be lying down in bed in the house. Cartoon source: )

I am finally taking my Deeparaya leave on Monday till Wednesday, driving up to one and only Taiping. There will not be any blog from me during this time but it gives me a good chance to be away from a computer for once (I am already spending like 8 hours in front of a computer at my work place everyday).
[Click to read the rest] “Time Out!”