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Birthday Cakes

[This post is a bit overdue]

What is a birthday without a birthday cake, right?

My son celebrated his 2nd birthday twice this year (a record sort of in my family) – one was in Taiping and another when we came back home. It has been some time since that function but as I was running through my photos, I realised that even the decorations on the birthday cakes has come a long way since my childhood days.

In those days, cakes were pretty much standard, there were not much decorations on the top and plenty of cherries on the side. Sometimes there were not enough cherries on the cakes, so every one of us will be “fighting” for a piece.

(The cake in Taiping – Spiderman, Doraemon, Mickey Mouse and Garfield made courtesy call to the birthday party. By the way, those “snow covered houses” was edible)

These days, the thing that what is worth fighting for, among the kids, is those decorative toys on the top of the cake. The toys on my son’s cakes were quickly snapped up even before my son had a chance to hold them (not that he wanted to – he is busy with other things). Doraemon seems to a favourite with the bakers in Taiping and Puchong – it was on my son’s cakes on both occasions.

(The cake at home – Doraemon was there, so did Pikachu. Not much on the cake – perhaps it is due to the size too)

The cake in Taiping had a more generous decoration compared to the one at home. That should give you some idea of the cost of living between the 2 areas (the size of the cake also mattered).

I wonder what more will be on the cakes in future.

6 thoughts on “Birthday Cakes”

  1. What a lovely, cartoony cake! Your son must’ve really enjoyed it. Happy birthday to him. 🙂

    Nowadays you can print photos on cakes, even! Baking has progressed onto a whole new level.

  2. but i kinda not like these cakes – though i remember one birthday i insisted on having a cake with a doll drawn on it (think cinderella) and it was triangle in shape ;p

    now i go for the taste ;p

    oh n i think future cakes would have holograms ;p

  3. most of my cakes were home made – mum’s a mean chef! 🙂 had a few icing covered cakes but am not a fan of cream [bluuerrgh!] prefer those sugar icing kinda but overall, dont like cakes either except mum’s fruit cake on the whole lar. 🙂

    i used to rush for those paper roses…but THOSE were the days! lol 😛

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