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Viva Las “Dubai”

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The flight to Dubai has been confirmed – in wee hours of Thursday morning and we are expected to reach there at about 4 in the morning. The last time I was there was about 2 years and the place was great. This time around, I will be there for 2 weeks, return back for another project and leave to Dubai again in end March. Finally, some kind of on-site work after a couple of months holed up in the office.

This time around, our deployment will be taking us to Dubai and Sharjah. Some traveling be required but isn’t that a kind of “paradise” for a blogger who is equipped with a digital camera and a laptop? As usual, the implementation process of the system will be intense and I hoping to squeeze in some time for updates to the blog. Updates to Flickr may be a problem but I will try to find alternatives. Otherwise, I might need to take a shot of Jack Daniels myself.

Preparations for traveling have been a headache for my wife – things to be packed, ironed and purchased and so on. She started early this time around to avoid my usual last minutes packaging attitude.

Before I go, I need to start some housekeeping at my work table…the pile of documents on the table has been…piling up. Tag: Other Travel

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