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May 2008

Personal Trip 101: Long Drive To East Coast Kuantan

East Coast Kuantan Tunnel Genting Sempah

When it comes to the famed Karak that will take us to the East Coast of the Peninsular , the tunnel is one the key landmark which has a twin on the North-South Highway after Ipoh. Image source: KLIA2

It must have been like 15 years since I last stepped on the East Coast of Malaysia and in particular the town of Kuantan. So a relative’s function in Kuantan last week was just the excuse I needed for a 520 kilometres drive to and fro East Coast.

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Childhood Memories: Part 4 – Going To Bloody War With Wooden Guns

wooden gun war childhood

When I was young and my parents could not afford to buy us toys, we had to contend with making our own wooden toys. One of the “usual” toys that we often make is the wooden gun. I know paint-brush skills suck! A very rough blueprint of the wooden gun looks like the above.

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Enforcement 101: All “OK” at Emergency Lanes

emergency lane queue jumper

In , the misuse of lanes is a serious traffic offense. According to Rule 53 (1) of the Road Traffic Rules 1959, in the is prohibited unless it is a genuine emergency. Violators are subject to stringent penalties under Section 119 (2) of the Road Transport Act 1987, which may include a fine of up to RM2000 or imprisonment for up to six months.

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Traffic Jam 2008: Mentally “Living” in Work Office


I just realise that I am going to the earlier and coming back later than the time when I first started with this job. It has come to a point where when I do come to the office late or leave the office early, people come up to me and ask me if I am feeling right.

This is because I get confused after passing the toll booth of whether it is a huge parking lot or . Huge traffic jam like this in China – image source: The Independant

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Dreams 101: Ice Age – A Deep Journey into Earth’s Frozen Mysteries

Ice Age, Dream, Weather, Climate, Ice

The last , often referred to as the Last Glacial Period, began approximately 115,000 years ago and concluded around 11,700 years ago. This period is part of the larger Quaternary glaciation that started about 2.58 million years ago and continues to the present day. The Last Glacial Maximum, which marks the peak of the last ice age when ice sheets were at their most extensive, occurred between 26,000 and 20,000 years ago. Image source: University of Cambridge

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Personal Health 101: Unhealthy Health Diet


(Something related to health considering I had to skip my Wednesday posting yesterday because was held up in the hospital the whole day. The regular posting will continue next week).

I was at the hospital yesterday (my wife need to go for ultrasound, x-ray and scope all in one go) and was held up till 4 in the afternoon (no thanks to a slow insurance claim processing – I could have paid cash but since I am paying so much for insurance, the waiting was worth it).

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