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Getting better

My son had a high fever yesterday…

Instead of running to the normal doctors, we decided to go back to the Chinese traditional doctor who treated my son for his coughs. He was put under drips and a cold towel and kept under observations for an hour.

The doctor checked and discharged him but we were still worried. Surprisingly an hour later, the fever was down and my son was back to his usual naughtiness. He managed to drink some of his medicines last night after much persuasions & threats – something that he does without much fuss at school.

He is due for another check up next week whilst my wife is due for a check up with surgeon for her problems next week too. I am due for my periodic blood donation this week but I hope to have a better rest in the next 2 days – next week is going to be hectic.

Not surprisingly many people at the office are down with flu and coughs – what an unhealthy month!

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