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November 28, 2008

World Event 101: 2008 Mumbai Massacre: Stories of Heroes

Taj Hotel Mumbai Attack 2008 Terrorist India

The Taj was one of the sites of the 2008 attacks, a series of terrorist attacks that took place in November 2008, when 10 members of Lashkar-e-Taiba, a militant Islamist organisation from Pakistan, carried out 12 coordinated shooting and bombing attacks lasting four days across Mumbai. Image source: NPR

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NaNoWriMo 101: Tough But Finished the 2008 Completion Line

Nanowrimo storytelling writing story

is short for National Novel Month, a creative challenge that takes place every November. The goal is to write a novel of at least 50,000 words in 30 days, without worrying about quality or editing. Image source: Nanowrimo

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