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February 2009

Highway 101: What A Mild Road Rage?

Parking car lot driving road rage

Incidents of road rage are usually triggered by an idiot who provoked others by either tail-gating or road-hogging. Sometimes abuse of the emergency lane and inconsiderate parking have the same road rage effect. Photo by Stephan Müller from Pexels 

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Personal 101: Unhappy Goodbye, Daddy, Please Do Not Go!

Daddy Children Sad Feeling Goodbye

I am pretty sure this happens to all the fathers out there when they are saying goodbyes to their loved ones, especially their children. Seriously it is very difficult to say NO to the big boss at home. Image source: Pexel / Mikhail Nilov

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History 101: An Important Lesson on Morality

Morality Nuremberg Trials History

Taking place just after World War 2 and judged by the victors, there was a question if these accused were judged on grounds of legality or on the issue of morality. The Nuremberg Trials was a series of 13 trials that took place in Nuremberg, Germany, between 1945 and 1949. They were held by the Allies (the United States, the Soviet Union, France and Great Britain) to bring Nazi war criminals to justice. Image source: Spoken Word

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