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August 2009

Outbreak 2009: Deadly H1N1 Virus And The Missing Pieces

Star Anise H1N1 Virus Spice

(As of todate 71 Malaysians have died from the H1N1 virus and we have yet to see the end of the pandemic. But it seems like the cure for this pandemic comes from an unusual source. Image source: Wikipedia)

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TV Shows 101: A Quick Guide to Star Trek – Part 2

“She [the Borg Queen] brought me closer to humanity than I ever thought possible. And for a time, I was tempted by her offer. (Picard: For how long?) Zero-point six-eight seconds, sir… For an android, that is nearly an eternity” (Data, Star Trek: First Contact)

Read Part 1 of the Star Trek series here

star trek TV

(One is a Klingon warrior and the only of his kind in the Starfleet but often looked down by his own people whilst another is a cool, master tactician Vulcan who prefers logic over violence) 

Read More »TV Shows 101: A Quick Guide to Star Trek – Part 2