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November 2010

Driving Skills 101: When Dumb Factory Workers Crosses The Road

phone cross road factory workers

(Sometimes it is wise to look left and right before crossing the road, more so if a speeding car is heading your way. Image source:

There are lifeless zombies that cross the road every morning near my residential area and workplace.

To others, they are known as factory workers – lowly paid, the repetitive task assigned and often “foreign” in nature. At their workplace, they are almost like the bee worker, working on a specific task 6 days a week, 12 months in a year. So, the use of their creativity and intelligence is probably limited to choosing the gravy or the flavour of their drink during their lunch break.

Other times, it would be sufficient if they could just follow the simple factory rules and meet the daily quota.

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Malaysia 101: Spreading The Good Name Of The Country Abroad

Rosmah Newspaper Ad Good Name

Just how Kohilan Pillay wants Malaysians to uphold the good name of the Government Leaders abroad? By taking expensive ads in the foreign newspapers for their non-elected wives? Image source:

Read More »Malaysia 101: Spreading The Good Name Of The Country Abroad