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Elections 101: Has Bersih 2.0’s Reform Cause Torpedoed?

Bersih 2.0 rally election protest

(The famed stand-off between the peaceful Bersih 2.0 protestors and police who bend on breaking up the rally at whatever the cost. Poster source: Mob’s Crib)

Ya, ya still on Bersih 2.0 rally but this is the last one, I promise.

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Elections 101: Bersih 2.0 – Where is Loud Mouth Wally?

Bersih Wally Ibrahim Perkasa

(At times like the Bersih rally, it seems OK to have people who talked about and threaten others – they hardly make the impact but it is not acceptable when the person making threats is a Member of Parliament and make seditious statements but remains free from arrests and prosecutions. Image source:

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Elections 101: Bersih 2.0, Brilliant Quotes of the Day

bersih najib election

(This is how Najib should have reacted to Bersih 2.0 in the first place. If he had done that, he would have been hailed as a hero and someone who is willing to listen to calls for real change. Image source:

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