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Governance 101: Case for Loud Rowdy Namewee

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For those who are not familiar with him, or his real name, Wee Meng Chee is a Malaysian Chinese hip hop recording artist, composer, filmmaker (his 2.0 is quite good) and actor. He was famous with controversies namely the one relating to a song titled Negarakuku. 

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Budget 101: No Worries, The Friendly Ah Long Is Here

budget ah long friendly

(How many of us keep a budget and then spend more than we earn and ended up borrowing from Ah Long aka loan sharks? It is not too late to learn the fine art of financial planning – keeping budget, ensuring that our income is enough to cover the expenses, keeping up saving for rainy days and when hard days are in, to learn to cut down on unnecessary expenses and tighten our belts)

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National Security 2011: Is This A Real End of ISA?

ISA Internal Security Act Law Malaysia

( like may finally end but the question is why now and why not in 2009 or in 2010? Any law that allows the to hold anyone without any trials, no recourse to the courts and at the sole discretion of certain politicians in power is dangerous, unfair and allows for gross abuse. Image source:

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Enforcement 101: Ops Sikap: Attitude vs Enforcement

UPDATE: Follow up on , it is good to hear that the is going all out for those who are on the . Hopefully, they will find better ways to crack down pesky and enforce the law on those who change lane without putting on the indicators, abuse the , hog the roads, etc

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(Caught this back in 2008 of those who abuse the emergency lane – nothing have changed in 2011. Will we see a change of in 2012?)

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Enforcement 101: Ops Sikap, Authorities Should Be Blamed Too 2

mat rempit enforcement menace motorcyclist skinning ops sikap

(What we need in Ops Sikap is more stringent enforcement instead of just enforcement – it is high time the police get tough with hardcore traffic law abusers. Image source:

Update: I guess it is unfair to point the fingers at the alone although they do handle the bulk of the since there are other agencies involved namely who handle licensing & training and JKJR who handle the overall coordination and -related activities

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History 101: World Trade Center, After 911 Tragedy

World Trade Center New York 911

(It may not be the same but the new World Trade Center will bring closure and sense of new hopes for New Yorkers and with a memorial in between, keeping the thoughts of those who perished in the forever in our hearts. Photo by Thomas Svensson from Pexels)

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Enforcement 101: Ops Sikap, Authorities Should Be Blamed Too

mat rempit enforcement menace motorcyclist skinning ops sikap

(One reason why we need to enforce Ops Sikap – it looks like a plague, idiots on the road without helmet creating a nuisance and endangering others and the worse ones even have young kids on the motorcycle. Image source:

Update: I guess it is unfair to point the fingers at the alone although they do handle the bulk of the since there are other agencies involved namely who handle licensing & training and JKJR who handle the overall coordination and -related activities

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Quotable Quotes 101: Somalia Death: Quotes of the Day

Somalia Death

( is not exactly a place for a fun, safe trip – it is a war zone with too many warlords juggling for power & position and there is a sense of the usual “tidak apa” when someone decided to organize a trip there without any proper protection & training. Image source: BBC)

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Enforcement 101: Will Slowing Down Safer for Other Users?

emergency lane road safety offenders slow down

(Which is better? Slowing down or of other like no queue jumping using the ? One of the morons that I caught on camera, abusing the emergency lane and creating more jam upfront)

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Governance 101: The Chinatown Instant White Knights

Chinatown Petaling Street

(The city’s own is along with the tourist spot, Petaling Street. This was the place where I bought my first true SLR and this is also the place where we used to go for new clothes for Deepavali. Image source:

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Technology 101: Environment Friendly Home Solar in Malaysia

home solar environment green energy

(The entire home solar set is expected to cost house owners RM60,000 – it is not cheap but the return of investment does look favourable. If there are special funds for house owners to part-finance the set-up cost and then tie the repayment to the monthly FiT, that will promote greater use of solar panels at residential areas. Image source:

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Tech News 101: Nokia N8 Firmware Update Part 2

symbian nokia OS

(I love the smell of napalm…err…software updates for my Nokia in the morning. Image source:

I thought it was the long-overdue PR1.2 update but the device screen shows the release type as “ Anna” (now I believe that PR1.2 was never released in ). It took less than 30 minutes for the latest updates for my N8 from Nokia servers – it was clean and smooth.

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