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Governance 101: Case for Loud Rowdy Namewee

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For those who are not familiar with him, Namewee or his real name, Wee Meng Chee is a Malaysian Chinese hip hop recording artist, composer, filmmaker (his Nasi Lemak 2.0 is quite good) and actor. He was famous with controversies namely the one relating to a song titled Negarakuku. 

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Budget 101: No Worries, The Friendly Ah Long Is Here

budget ah long friendly

(How many of us keep a budget and then spend more than we earn and ended up borrowing from Ah Long aka loan sharks? It is not too late to learn the fine art of financial planning – keeping budget, ensuring that our income is enough to cover the expenses, keeping up saving for rainy days and when hard days are in, to learn to cut down on unnecessary expenses and tighten our belts)

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National Security 2011: Is This A Real End of ISA?

ISA Internal Security Act Law Malaysia

(Draconian laws like ISA may finally end but the question is why now and why not in 2009 or in 2010? Any law that allows the Government to hold anyone without any trials, no recourse to the courts and at the sole discretion of certain politicians in power is dangerous, unfair and allows for gross abuse. Image source:

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