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November 2019

Kaithi: Probably the Best Tamil Movie of 2019


(Kaithi is one of the best Tamil action movies for 2019 with a very solid storyline, background music and acting. Image source: IMDB)

It is not often I am ready to spend money to watch Tamil movies in the cinema and it is for obvious reasons – loose & illogical storyline, some of dumbest heroines and out of place song sequences. It is very rare to see a really good Tamil movie these days.

Some of the Tamil movies that I have tolerated and paid to watch it in the local cinemas remain rare and few – Bahubali: The Conclusion (this is because we were dying to know why Kattappa backstabbed Bahubali) and Petta (this is because it was directed by the brilliant Karthik Subbaraj) was good to watch.

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Economy 101: Bailout of RM10.3 Billion: Where is Your Dignity Now?


Whenever the Government announces huge bailouts, 2 things are certain on everyone’s mind:-

ONE: It does not matter if it is cash, guarantee or promises on paper, one way or another, at the end of the day, taxpayers will be forced to bear the cost of the bailout. Taxpayers money that could have been used more productively for development of the country now goes down the drain.

TWO: Not all of the board of directors, management and senior officers who mismanaged the company will be arrested, stripped naked of their assets and sent to jail for years. At the most, some of them may be asked to tender their resignation without any punishment and some of them will be transferred to another GLC. And since there is no severe punishment given, the incompetence and mismanagement continues.

Image source: The Edge (Billions lost in Felda, hundreds of millions of asset value vanished in Tabung Haji)

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Technology 101: Cashless Touch ‘n’ Go – Outdated and Must Go?

touch n go

Do you still remember the time before Touch ‘n’ Go was widely used for public transportation, parking and highway tolls? Image source: Compare

I still remember the days when I had to queue up at the bus companies’ counters to get my bus passes –sometimes more than one, depending on the year. KL, Klang & Port Klang Omnibus and SJ Kenderaan had their own dedicated counter for the bus passes – different colours for adults and school children (which is half of the price of the adult total fares). Toong Foong one was a bit different – you have got it from their office which was located near Puduraya where it is usually packed with bus conductors also queuing up to get their stacks of new bus tickets.

Read More »Technology 101: Cashless Touch ‘n’ Go – Outdated and Must Go?