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Blogging 101: It Has Been A Challenging Year 2020

COVID19, Testing, Virus, Outbreak, 2020

One has to admit that year have been a very challenging year, not only for the country but for everyone around the . One main factor that had shaken everyone left, right and centre have been the pandemic. Will things getting better in the coming year 2021? Image source: The Journal of mHealth

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Health 101: Early Morning Easy Yoga Routines

Yoga health India Asanas

It is said that is about 10,000 years old and it is more than the boundary of modern yoga as we know it now. Yoga is about the way we think, do and interact with others positively. Image source: Elly Fairytale from Pexels

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Driving Skills 101: No Reason to Disrespect Emergency Service Vehicle!!

emergency service vehicle ambulance

(An service vehicles refer to the ambulance, fire truck or the police vehicles that have their sirens and their strobe lights on. Image source: Thgusstavo Santana from Pexels)

The siren and the strobes are on for a very important reason – it is to warn other to take notice and give way to these emergency service vehicles to move faster and reach their destinations as quickly as possible.… [Click to read the rest] “Driving Skills 101: No Reason to Disrespect Emergency Service Vehicle!!”

Blogging 101: News Snippets As At 22 December 2020

snippet highland tower landslide

– Highland Tower condominium happened 27 years ago on 11th December 1993 and it was one of the worst tragedies in the country. 48 people died from the said tragedy – a tragedy that should not have happened. Image source: The Star

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Mandatory Quarantine 2020: Part 7 – Finally Leaving Claustrophobic Quarantine

quarantine hotel impiana covid19

When one is undergoing 14 days of mandatory in a small confined room, trust me, the days will pass by very slowly. Even the hours seem to be taking its own “sweet time” to move. Whilst one may get excited on the first few days of being quarantined in a luxurious hotel room, one will soon get bored with the and yes, with the which more or less from the same list of menu.

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Childhood Memories: Part 27 – Revisiting The Old Neighbourhood With Google Street

google street childhood memories neighbourhood

The SHELL was actually the main landmark on the main old road between the city of Kuala Lumpur and the port town of Klang. We often refer to the petrol station when someone wants to come to our house in the old . It is directly on the opposite side of the neighbourhood. It was a big station those days but it has now somehow reduced in size. It is however still at the same place since the day we moved into this neighbourhood more than 40 years ago. Image source: Google Street.

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World Mysteries 101: UVB-76 – The Ghostly, Strange Radio Station

Russia UVB-76 Radio Cold War Soviet Spy

, often referred to as “The Buzzer,” is a notorious station that broadcasts a repetitive buzzing , which has been transmitting since the late 1970s. The signal, typically consisting of a short buzz tone repeating at a steady rate, is occasionally interrupted by voice messages in Russian. While the exact purpose of UVB-76 remains a subject of speculation, it is widely believed to be linked to the Russian , serving as a means of communication or a method for testing the network’s readiness. Image source: Slavorum)

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Mandatory Quarantine 2020: Part 6 – Glorious Malaysian Quarantine Meals (3)

Food Quarantine

This will probably be the last post on for the obvious reason – the rest of the menu was more or so a mix of the previous meals. I guess this is due to the control of the meal by the Ministry of and not left to the creativity of the chefs (but then again it could be worse).

Another reason for having a similar dish served on a daily basis was probably is the cost factor. Having limited menu would probably make it easy for the hotel to plan their purchases and prepare the meals.

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Hindi Movie Review: Eye Opening, Shocking Article 15 Thriller 2019

IMDB Article 15 Hindi Movie Review

Before , I guess the last that I truly loved – from the storyline to characterisation is Lunch Box starring the late Irrfan Khan. Of course, there were other Hindi movies that I had watched in between and before that will make a place in my list of must-watch Hindi movies. Image source: IMDB

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Religion 101: Everyone’s Protective, Brave Guardian Warriors

Marmadesam Vidaathu Karuppu Warrior Religion K Balachander

I trust in every or society, there always been some form of guardian angels or warriors who will either looks after you personally, family or even a specific village and so on.

When I was in on a work assignment, one of the things I did after I came back to the and had my is to watch an old serial titled “Marmadesam Vidaathu Karuppu” which has a few interesting subplots. Image source: Kavithalayaa

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Mandatory Quarantine 2020: Part 5 – Glorious Malaysian Quarantine Meals (2)

quarantine MOH food

One of the key things that caught my eyes when it comes to daily meals during the 14 days is this – the label on top of the meal box. It explains 2 main things namely the date & timing when the meal needs to be finished and the fact that the Ministry of vetted through the daily meal to ensure a balanced meal.

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Technology 101: Still Remember Your Dolby Noise Reduced Songs?

Dolby NR TDK Cassette Tape

If one needs to listen to a particular song back in the 1980s, you will record them yourself either from the using blank TDK cassette tapes (encoded with ) or get it recorded in one of the many recorded cassettes selling shops out there. Image source: Wikipedia

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