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Water Pollution 2020: Some Bad News, Some Good News to Ponder

indah water pollution water disruption

On 10th November 2020, the State of experienced another water disruption affecting some 1.1 million accounts making it the 9th this year alone. This time the suspect is from Indah but there is another twist to the story. Image source:

It has been a fact that the state of Selangor has been having too many water disruptions and despite the offenders have been identified and punished, it has not been the end of the trouble for the consumers in this state. The matter has been talked about for far too long but there seems to be no proper closure to this man-made incidents.

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Mandatory Quarantine 2020: Part 4 – Glorious Malaysian Quarantine Meals (1)

food oats fruits quarantine

A big part of the “fun” of being quarantined down in a small room for the next 14 days without anything much to do is to watch for the 3 meals of the day that will be hand-delivered to the small table just outside our room. Of course, one also needs to be prepared with standby of their own – in my case, 3 in 1 cereal, biscuits and packet drinks.

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Parenting 101: When Bored Kids Turned To Master Bakers

baking brownies kids lockdown cake cooking

(The sweet end results for the at when little master chefs at home decide to use their free time at home and instead start using their baking skills) 

One of the biggest challenges that we as parents have during this pandemic and the schools closed is on keeping our kids occupied with something productive and something new so that they don’t get bored. Otherwise, they will opt for something that is not productive namely watching the whole day or on their phones playing games.

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General Knowledge 101: Between Raw Facts and Twisted Facts

facts facebook Hillary

This just proves that there are too many idiots on social media who do not know the facts when they open their mouth to comment on something. This particular comment in the post is one such example where one is talking Edmund Hillary who had climbed the Mount Everest and not the politician Hillary Clinton.

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Mandatory Quarantine 2020: Part 3 – Arriving At Home Away From Home

quarantine hotel impiana covid19

(The view from my room which unfortunately was nothing to shout about but at least I could get some sunlight into the room. When I am bored, I will look over when the office workers are leaving the parking lot in the next building for a change of sight)

This will be the second time that we will be undergoing 2 weeks of quarantine but compared to the first time quarantine in Cambodia, the quarantine in with and Malaysian hospitality is always welcomed.

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Human Relationship 101: The Beautiful Malak Who Stole Our Cold Hearts

malak iraq ISIS war zone refugee children

This story of a young girl named whose father and mother had died tragically is indeed has been an eye-opener on the plight of innocent refugee children in the many zones around the . The situation around the world is now even more precarious with the COVID19 pandemic which also saw the reduction of travel and aid. Image source: Preemptive Love

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Mandatory Quarantine 2020: Part 2 – Numerous Registrations, Strict COVID19 Screening

quarantine KLIA COVID19 flight

Continuing from Part 1, we were indeed getting closer to our homes but first, we had to go through the hurdles of testing and the mandatory . It will take time indeed but at least we have set our legs in .

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Malaysia 101: When Stupidity, Stubbornness and Double Standards Mixed

COVID19 Malaysia

What really went wrong in ‘s fight against ?

Just when Malaysia almost able to bend the curve, it suddenly spiked up again and it is running loose now. Have we gotten lax in and maintaining our precautions? It is the same case with disruptions in the state of – it is happening way too frequently these days. Image source: Our World In Data

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TV Shows 101: Space 1999, The 1970’s Classic Science Fiction

Moonbase Space 1999 TV Shows 1970 Science Fiction Eagle Spacecraft

The race to propelled imagination of many around the and that included the & movies which gave us many classics such as the titled “”. Image source: Ultimate Classic Rock

During this and self-isolations in centre, one of the things I decided to do to kill the boredom (and make full use of the free internet) by watching old TV series which now is available on . I had watched a few but for space-related shows, Space 1999 crossed my mind instantly.

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Mandatory Quarantine 2020: Part 1 – The Long, Tiring Transit in Changi Singapore

transit holding area changi singapore airport

(The “Transit Holding Area” at in is huge, spacious and well equipped. If your transit time is short, this will be an ideal place to catch your breath and get a quick rest before your flight. However, if your transit time is long, this is not a good place to catch your sleep and rest)

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Economy 101: Venezuela – Lessons Learned, Spoon Feeding Failure

Statista Venezuela refugees economy

has the largest oil reserves in the and yet the country is in a major crisis, not only from the aspect of the but also socio-political. It has now become one of the biggest economy refugees with almost 4.5 million of its population leaving the country due to economic hardships. Image source: Statista

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