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Governance 101

Anything to do with Ideals, Customer Service, Governance, Government, Politics and Enforcement

Malaysia 101: Spreading The Good Name Of The Country Abroad

Rosmah Newspaper Ad Good Name

Just how Kohilan Pillay wants to uphold the of the Leaders abroad? By taking expensive ads in the foreign newspapers for their non-elected wives? Image source:

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Party Elections 101: Yes, It Is Messy, Dirty But Necessary

PKR Parti Keadilan Rakyat Election

( cannot be a one-man-show. At end of the day, it has to rely on committees, and procedures. Dr Molly Cheah now heads a nine-member central election committee — made up of ordinary members — who will oversee the party’s first-ever direct . Image source: Wikipedia)

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Malaysia 101: Historic Merdeka 53 Years Ago & Embrace New Change


A very iconic image of that all must know and must appreciate. The significance of this historical moment in Merdeka is fast losing its perspective in modern . Image source: Wikipedia

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Malaysia 101: Fine Dealing With Some Two Minded Civil Servants

slogan najib civil servant

(“People First, Performance Now,” says the PM where like this look good on paper but matter little to civil servants who suppose to be upholding such slogans. Image source: Slides Share)

With the advent of technology, my wife having a car on her own and me having to fly out very often, it has been some time since I had to face a for something really important.

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Enforcement 101: How Can MACC Truly Improve?

Kamal Haasan Indian Tamil Movie Senapathy MACC Corruption

(We don’t have Senapathy, the old man who kills corrupt officials and even his own corrupt son in the 1996 Tamil movie Indian but we have something close called . The question is how far it has been effective in “weeding” out the from the system. Image source: IMDB)

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Malaysian Politics 101: New Found Care In State of Selangor?

Misi Tawan Selangor

(What is the real mission of “Misi Tawan “? Want to wrestle back the state for the good of the people in Selangor or to continue the nonsense that happened before the last general election? Image source: Suara Johore Online)

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Enforcement 101: When Perak Pakatan Rakyat Defend Criminals

perak speaker pakatan rakyat

(It is already bad for for already losing the State of no thanks to self-centred frogs, do you want to lose the support of the people too ah? Stop supporting the otherwise, you will never gain the trust of the people. Image source: Malaysiakini)

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Enforcement 101: Discounting Outstanding Summons Part 2

enforcement fine traffic law police summon

(When it comes to agencies, we have the means to start things like the ability to issue but we sometimes lack the means to end things. We lack the enforcement of the . Photo by Erik Mclean from Pexels)

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Military 101: Did We End Up With Faulty White Elephant Submarines?

Navy Submarine U Boat Military

(The strategic role of a to the nation’s maritime defence cannot be ignored but what makes it stink is the way these submarines were purchased and maintained. Image source: Flickr / US Navy)

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Malaysia 101: When Taxpayers’ Money Hits The Palace’s Fan

Istana Negara Palace Malaysia

(The old is already looking majestic and we have already spent millions on it but we went ahead to construct a new palace. We end up looking like dungus but what the heck, we been in that situation before. The new palace looks good on paper but the volume of abuse and of funds to build it makes the whole affair end up looking too ugly. Image source: Tok Ey Ai)

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