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Documentary Review 101: Excellent The Only Son by Simonka de Jong 2012

The Only Son Simonka de Jong Youtube Video Documentary

I caught this excellent documentary by Simonka de Jong, a 49 years old Dutch filmmaker based in Amsterdam, Netherlands on Youtube the other day. I was amazed by the simplicity of the storyline and yet where the characters in this documentary face some of the toughest conflicts in the daily lives. Image source: Youtube.

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Parenting 101: Dangers From Morons At the Playground

playground children parenting swing

(There is a bloody good reason why it is called children playground instead of fat bum adult’s playground. Image source:

Last weekend, I had a damn good workout!

After a long gap, I had a good badminton session with one of the toughest opponent around – my son. Compared to last time, he can now serve and return some of my hits but conditions have to be just right – easy, slow, high shuttlecock. I don’t remember bending down to pick up the shuttlecock that many times in any of the badminton games that I have played before but I did not mind, it was a good workout to reduce the tummy size, so my wife says.

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Parenting 101: Leaving Innocent Children Home Alone

children parent parenting

I don’t know whether it is a case of recklessness or plain ignorance but I get very angry when I see parents not taking care of their children in the right manner

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(The 2 children focusing on the cabin light. If both parents have to go, take the kids with them – they are still awake and is able to walk or if have to leave them behind, one of the adults should stay back as well to take care of them but never, never leave them alone more so in a car with the engine still running. P.s. the video looks dark due to this)

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