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Outbreak 101: When A Pint of Alcohol is Deadlier Than A Pack of Cigarette

COVID19 Alcohol Beer Smoking Cigarette Poster WHO Health

It has come to a point where if you have an drinker, a cigarette smoker and a person who doesn’t drink or smokes, the last person to be infected would be the alcohol drinker considering how alcohol kills viruses. The smoker on the other hand would probably be the first to be infected considering how affects the lungs. Image source: Poster by WHO

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RIP: Witty Funny Nagesh: 1933 – 2009

Nagesh Kamal Haasan Nammavar Movie Tamil 1994

Kamal Haasan has always had a special and key role for the legendary in his movies (the other usual collaborator with Kamal is Delhi Ganesh) and Nagesh who had always played a comical role has proved to be a very versatile actor with different roles with Kamal Haasan. Image source: Cinema Express

Read More »RIP: Witty Funny Nagesh: 1933 – 2009