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History 101: Bayeux Tapestry – The Ancient Artwork That The Nazi Wanted To Steal

Bayeux Tapestry Art France Norman

The Bayeux Tapestry is almost 945 years as it was said that it was created in the year 1077 after the Duke of Normandy who is known as William the Conquerer had successfully invaded and conquered England in the year 1066. Image source: Wikipedia.

The Bayeux Tapestry was one of the key art items that the Nazis during World War 2 eyed to be stolen and brought back to Germany to be displayed in their new Fuhrer Museum where artworks from all the Germany occupied countries would be displayed.

Read More »History 101: Bayeux Tapestry – The Ancient Artwork That The Nazi Wanted To Steal

World War 2 Movies: The Most Memorable Movies I Ever Seen

world war 2

(The last major war around the world at the same time was the World War 2 that happened between 1939 to 1945. For most of us who were not born then, we can understand the ultimate sacrifices that many gave from some of best movies ever made on this subject. Image source:

World War 2 was the last major conflict that we have faced and we all dread the start of World War 3 (which could mean end of mankind or worse, the planet earth).

I like history and I have collection of books and magazines on the subject at home but nothing portrays the event better than seeing them on movies. Over the years, we have been “bombarded” with many types of war movies and mini-series ranging from ancient wars (like “300” and “Braveheart”), World Wars (both 1 & 2), Vietnam Wars (still remember “Platoon”, “Full Metal Jacket” or “Apocalypse Now”?) and all the way to galactic war in a galaxy, far, far away (my favourite – “Star Wars”)

If you are looking for World War 2 movies for your collection, I strongly recommend these (in no particular order):-

Read More »World War 2 Movies: The Most Memorable Movies I Ever Seen