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Malaysia 101: MIC Former President Samy Vellu (1936 – 2022) & Unresolved Case of MAIKA

samy vellu snippet

One cannot forget the many funny quotes uttered by the late Tun Samy Vellu who was the minister under Dr M’s cabinet handling 2 main portfolios covering public works, energy, telecommunication and post and who was also the long-serving president of the Malaysian India Congress (MIC). Image source: Wikipedia

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World News 101: Hong Kong Peaceful Occupy Central Rally 2014

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(The first night of the protest in Hong Kong was bad with tear gas & pepper spray on the protestors and this prompted greater support for the rally but it is not something new here. Image source:

Well thing for sure, my trip this time has been screwed up big time and need to be rescheduled. There’s plenty of work that needs to be done and the last thing I need now is for a prolonged public protest and plenty of uncertainty.

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Old Photos – Part 3

Before we proceed with this week’s short post, there are 3 things I wanted to say aloud.

First is Waytha, after the hunger strike stunt that he pulled before the elections and got his MOU with Najib had now resigned – he rightfully deserved it, if you ask me. The way to go is to stop fighting for rights and benefits based on racial lines and do so more on poverty lines so that all races in this country will fairly benefit from it.… [Click to read the rest] “Old Photos – Part 3”

Blogging 101: News Snippets As At 22 December 2010

bus death malaysia cameron highlands snippet

(News snippet – 27 people died but what caused the accident is yet to be confirmed, at least by the right people but already fingers being pointed at the driver and the bus whilst the bodies of the dead Thai tourists being sent home. Image source:

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