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Kuala Lumpur

History 101: National Museum – Unveiling the Treasures of Our Pasts

Muzium Negara Museum History KL Landmark

When it comes to unravelling the rich tapestry of a nation’s history and culture, few places can rival the National Museum in Kuala Lumpur. Nestled in the heart of Malaysia’s capital, this iconic institution offers a captivating journey through time, showcasing the diverse heritage and remarkable stories that have shaped the country.

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Know Your Car Basics 101: Scary Wiper Scare & Brilliant Kapchai Ban Proposal


(Things to keep an eye for – failing wipers. Image source:

It has been raining cats and dogs lately…

It was raining heavily when I went to work one fine morning – I predicted an increased traffic jam due to the rain and a couple of morons speeding and changing lane without any indicators during the heavy rain. I switched on the wipers and immediately I noticed something not right. It was squeaking and as the wipers go up and down, it started to bend considerably.

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Parenting 101: Siti Tragedy, When We Look the Wrong Way…

Siti Soffea Emelda

The CCTV grab above, which shows Siti Soffea Emelda being led by a man out of Kota Raya Komplex, could possibly be the last moment Siti Soffea Emelda was seen alive.

The image was taken by police from the shopping centre located in Puduraya on the day Soffea was abducted by the man and hours later found dead with her head severed on the bank of Klang River. Image source: Malay Mail

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