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Lim Kit Siang

History 101: Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang – Great & Noble National Contributions Recognised

Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang DAP Parliament

I always regarded as a true Statesman who had only looked at things beyond race & religion and had always fought for the rights of ordinary Malaysians. Here’s the photo of him being sworn in as a for the first time in 1971 at the age of 30. He was elected in 1969 but was suspended for two years under an . Image source: Free Malaysia Today.

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Elections 101: Some New & Positive Development for Pakatan Harapan

Blogging Lim Kit Siang DAP Laptop Pakatan Harapan

End of an era where YB who has been instrumental in getting to be part of has finally called it a day and retired from active .

He was one of the first to embrace the new school of using blogs and social media to share his political thoughts and concerns. Rest assured that he will remain an important advisor for DAP & Pakatan Harapan. Image source: Free Malaysia Today

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Governance 101: Wasteful & Short-Sighted Again


(In the Global Competitiveness Report 2010–2011, Malaysia ranks 25 out of 139 countries where public spending & governance is somewhat better managed than the rest but then again, if one reads deeper into the report, Malaysia’s ranking is only 4.2 out of the full 7 on the mark. We are no where close to our neighbour down south who ranks at the top at 6.1 despite their limited natural resources, human resource and living space)

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Poll result: What is the main reason why Indian community in Malaysia not doing well?

It is an irony that the day I am closing the , I am reading about the downfall of the “Deva Gang” in the newspapers. It is an irony indeed

I wish to thank all who participated on the short poll especially those who added the link in their blog.… [Click to read the rest] “Poll result: What is the main reason why Indian community in Malaysia not doing well?”