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Malaysia 2009: Perak Fiasco & BN Strikes Back

perak speaker pakatan rakyat BN

(The Law of the Jungle in motion in Perak – the legitimate Speaker being forcibly removed. Image source: Jeff Ooi)

One thing is for sure in Perak – things are getting absurd and the people are at the losing end in the battle between Barisan Nasional (BN) and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) politicians.

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Unity 101: Fearful Race Relations Act Revisited

Race Relations Act 1965 1960s UK Unity Law Legal

The Race Relations Act was a series of laws passed in the UK to prohibit racial discrimination and promote equal opportunities for people of different racial groups. The first Race Relations Act was enacted in 1965, followed by two more in 1968 and 1976. Image source: Insitute of Race Relations

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Unity 101: We Don’t Need The Important Race Relation Act?

Race Relations Act 1965 1960s UK Unity Law Legal

The Race Relations Act was a series of laws passed in the UK to prohibit racial discrimination and promote equal opportunities for people of different racial groups. The first Race Relations Act was enacted in 1965, followed by two more in 1968 and 1976. Image source: Insitute of Race Relations

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Politics 101: The Ideal Prime Minister of Malaysia

MOU, Anwar Ibrahim, Pakatan Harapan, Unity Government Prime Minister

Kavilan tagged me a long time ago with his post titled “5 People/Groups That I’d Rather Have as the Prime Minister of Malaysia”. As I was busy with the NaNoWriMo project, I have held back from doing this post (sorry, bro). Image source: Free Malaysia Today

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Malaysia 101: Our Unique Bahasa Malaysia – What’s The Point?

Bangsa Malaysia Unity Bahasa Malaysia Negaraku Hand

At the end of the day, all are in the boat and proud to call ourselves Bangsa Malaysia speaking the same language, i.e. Bahasa Malaysia but politicians and lopsided national policies make one think that we are in a different country. Image source: Mob’s Crib

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