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National Security

National Security 2020: ISIS Terrorists – Why Indonesia Can Do It, We Can’t?


Seriously, the Pakatan Harapan government needs to go to a corner and reflect on its decision when it comes to bringing former ISIS terrorists and their radicalised families back to Malaysia. Why we are rolling out the red carpet to these terrorists? Infographic source: ISIS

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Leadership 101: MH370 – A Lesson in Crisis Management

MH370 – frankly speaking, the last thing we need now is a missing plane…


(I had to pinch myself when I first heard about the missing plane. I flew MAS on a regular basis and I prefer flying on a Boeing 777 than Airbus. Having a missing plane was something that all Malaysian did not expect to hear on a Saturday morning. The disappearance remains a mystery and a multi-country search to date have revealed nothing to date. Image source:

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Elections 101: Bersih 2.0, Brilliant Quotes of the Day

bersih najib election

(This is how Najib should have reacted to Bersih 2.0 in the first place. If he had done that, he would have been hailed as a hero and someone who is willing to listen to calls for real change. Image source:

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