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Blogging 101: 2024 – Positive Developments & Lessons Learned From 2023

fireworks night 2024 new year celebrations

As we bid farewell to 2023 and welcome the dawn of a new year, it’s time to reflect on the positive developments that lie ahead in 2024. From advancements in technology to economic growth, personal development, computing, space exploration, medical breakthroughs, and cultural evolution, there is much to look forward to. Let’s dive into what we can expect and what lessons we have learned from the past year. Photo by Andreas Rasmussen on Unsplash

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Malaysia 101: Disgraced Ex-Prime Minister, Najib Razak Sent To Prison

Najib Razak SRC Police Prison

It is rather historical to see Najib Razak, at one time one of the most powerful men in the country escorted away to prison after a long, delayed and tiring court case that started back in 2018. It is a weird feeling considering that there is no precedent to see an ex-Prime Minister found guilty and imprisoned for criminal acts. Image source: NST.

Read More »Malaysia 101: Disgraced Ex-Prime Minister, Najib Razak Sent To Prison

Military 101: Professional Military Need Strategic Assets, Not Farm Lands

Sukhoi 30 MKK Electronic Warfare Military Russia

As China and other countries in the region keep upgrading their military defence and offence assets such as this Sukhoi-30-based dedicated electronic warfare fighter (known as Shenyang J-16D), Malaysia needs to ensure that its existing defence assets are upgraded in par to keep up its effectiveness and also work with other countries like India who are facing the same threats. Image source: Defense News

Read More »Military 101: Professional Military Need Strategic Assets, Not Farm Lands