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Blogging 101: 2024 – Positive Developments & Lessons Learned From 2023

fireworks night 2024 new year celebrations

As we bid farewell to 2023 and welcome the dawn of a , it’s time to reflect on the positive developments that lie ahead in . From advancements in to economic growth, , computing, space exploration, medical breakthroughs, and cultural evolution, there is much to look forward to. Let’s dive into what we can expect and what lessons we have learned from the past year. Photo by Andreas Rasmussen on Unsplash

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Malaysia 101: Disgraced Ex-Prime Minister, Najib Razak Sent To Prison

Najib Razak SRC Police Prison

It is rather historical to see , at one time one of the most powerful men in the country escorted away to after a long, delayed and tiring case that started back in 2018. It is a weird feeling considering that there is no precedent to see an ex-Prime Minister found guilty and imprisoned for acts. Image source: NST.

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Military 101: Professional Military Need Strategic Assets, Not Farm Lands

Sukhoi 30 MKK Electronic Warfare Military Russia

As China and other countries in the region keep upgrading their defence and offence assets such as this Sukhoi-30-based dedicated electronic warfare fighter (known as Shenyang J-16D), needs to ensure that its existing defence assets are upgraded in par to keep up its effectiveness and also work with other countries like are facing the same threats. Image source: Defense News

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Project Management 101: Lessons From Police Painful 2012 Delhi Bus Rape Investigation

Delhi Crime Police Project Management TV

The recent investigation series that I caught on Delhi simply blew my mind with its immersing elements that further review. Image source: India.Com

No matter what industry you are in, where you look and how you manage things, there will always be an element of project management in the tasks that is taking place and this is why battles and police investigations become my instant interest.

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National Security 101: Rohingya’s Malaysian Gamble – Once In, Cannot Chase Them Out

Rohingya Refugee Boat Sea Intrusion

According to UNHCR, there are about 179,570 refugees and asylum-seekers registered with in Malaysia as of the end of May . Out of this rather understated number, there are about 102,950 Rohingyas and this does not include the thousands more that keep sneaking into the country illegally. They already started to become a national headache and a serious threat to our national .[Click to read the rest] “National Security 101: Rohingya’s Malaysian Gamble – Once In, Cannot Chase Them Out”

Outbreak 2021: Malaysia Breaks An Insane 9,000 Daily COVID19 Infection Mark!

COVID19 Infection Outbreak Malaysia

The number of daily new infections only has kept increasing with every day seeing the numbers recording new records.

As of 29th May , saw a new number of 9,020 COVID19 infections making a total of 558,534 COVID19 infections todate. Worst is the number of deaths – it was highest thus far at 98 deaths making a total of 2,650 deaths todate.

Out of the more than 78,000 active cases, 844 of them are still in ICU with 27 critically on ventilators. : MOH

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Outbreak 2021: How Far We Have Gone With COVID19 Vaccination in Malaysia?

COVID19 vaccination chart vaccine

It is said that as of 11th April , more than 789 million people from 185 countries have undergone . Of which, United Kingdom is leading the pack with 47.32% of the population already been vaccinated closely followed by the US with 35.65%. Chart source: Our World In Data

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Elections 101: Sorry Excuse of Lack of Maturity on UNDI18

UNDI18 Election Malaysia Youth

UNDI18 is presently being raised as a critical issue in the country and rightfully too. After all, one can say that age is just a number and does not necessarily reflect the level of wisdom and . Image source: Pinterest

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National Security 2021: Expect More Rohingyas Incursions After Coup in Myanmar

Rohingya Refugee Countries

A couple of in the last few weeks has been rather unsettling especially in relation to Rohingyas had always made their desired country to run to after leaving the refugee camp in . source: Anadolu Agency

Now it looks like they have found another place to stop over before making their run to Malaysia where there is a bigger crowd of them making trouble.

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Blogging 101: It Has Been A Challenging Year 2020

COVID19, Testing, Virus, Outbreak, 2020

One has to admit that year have been a very challenging year, not only for the country but for everyone around the world. One main factor that had shaken everyone left, right and centre have been the . Will things getting better in the coming year ? Image source: The Journal of mHealth

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Economy 101: Venezuela – Lessons Learned, Spoon Feeding Failure

Statista Venezuela refugees economy

has the largest oil reserves in the world and yet the country is in a major crisis, not only from the aspect of the but also socio-political. It has now become one of the biggest economy refugees with almost 4.5 million of its population leaving the country due to economic hardships. Image source: Statista

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