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Malaysia 101: Disgraced Ex-Prime Minister, Najib Razak Sent To Prison

Najib Razak SRC Police Prison

It is rather historical to see Najib Razak, at one time one of the most powerful men in the country escorted away to prison after a long, delayed and tiring court case that started back in 2018. It is a weird feeling considering that there is no precedent to see an ex-Prime Minister found guilty and imprisoned for criminal acts. Image source: NST.

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Malaysia 101: When Stupidity, Stubbornness and Double Standards Mixed

COVID19 Malaysia

What really went wrong in Malaysia’s fight against COVID19?

Just when Malaysia almost able to bend the curve, it suddenly spiked up again and it is running loose now. Have we gotten lax in enforcement and maintaining our precautions? It is the same case with water disruptions in the state of Selangor – it is happening way too frequently these days. Image source: Our World In Data

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Movie Review: The Next Three Days 2010


(A must movie in your movie collection – Poster source:

If you are looking out for a good movie to watch, remember this name – Paul Haggis

The twice Oscar award winning screenwriter & director has done it again with “The Next Three Days” (TNTD) and if you thought “Crash” was damn good, it gets even better in this movie.

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