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Driving Skills 101: 5 Types of Drivers Who Misuse the Indicators

This is what I usually shout when some idiots cut into my lane without using their indicators…

Car indicator signal driving skill

(Some people are still clueless on the nature and function of this stick sticking out from the steering column. Image source: Kuni BMW @ Youtube)

After I had embarked on my personal ‘Overhaulin’ project, many things have changed – I have become more careful when I am on the road these days.

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Attitude 101: A Hungry Malaysian Is An Ugly Malaysian

Hungry Food Queue

It is not a big secret that a hungry Malaysian is an ugly Malaysian. Add the opportunity for free food and you will get ugly and brainless Malaysian. Often it would look like a bunch of refugees rushing to grab on whatever food is there. Photo credit: ILRI/Mann

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Personal 101: Queuing – Getting The Lost Line Back

provocation queue-jumper queuing

Queuing, derived from the French word ‘queue’ meaning ‘tail’, is the process of arranging in a line or waiting for one’s turn, typically to purchase something or wait for a service. This term, which has its origins in the late 16th century, is commonly used in various contexts, from everyday scenarios like waiting in line at a grocery store to technical fields such as computing, where it refers to the ordering of data or tasks in a sequence for processing. Image source: Challenging Coaching

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