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Quotable Quotes

Outbreak 2020: Dumb Religious Quotes on the Causes of Coronavirus


In the fight to contain flu virus, many experts argue that washing hand with soap is more effective than using hand sanitizer. This is science and not some hunch by someone. Image source: Newsweek

The 2019-nCoV virus situation as at 11th March 2020: 4,615 dead, 67,003 recovered and 125,865 confirmed cases and is increasing. WHO had just officially declared the Coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic.

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Silly Facebook Reader Comments Part 1


It is known fact, all around the world, in all languages, there are posts readers who comment based on the headlines alone. Probably because they don’t have the time to read the whole the posts or click on the link or the headline itself is clear enough to comment. Even I have been guilty of this on many occasions.

Then there is another level to Facebook post commenting – where the readers have read & understood the post and yet they make that sound , dumb, ignorance of facts or at times, comments that has no relation to the original post.

Considering that there are plenty of such comments, a compilation of these comments & replying to it would be interesting indeed. Why say no to free comedy dished out on daily basis?

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Quotable Quotes 2019: Dr Sudha Murty’s Thought Provoking Quote


Got this in my Whatsapp this morning and given that I am not from India, I was curious on only one thing – who is this (I found later that she is a Padma Shri Dr) and how or what made her to quote this?

By the way, the actual complete quote is this:-

“With my experience in life, I want to tell you that having good relationships, compassion and peace of mind is much more important than achievements, awards, degrees or money.”

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2010 Reflection: Sorry, I’m Striving To Be An Idealist

idealist human nature

(Acknowledging one as an and doing something means different thing to different people. Perhaps it makes more sense when you see what is the opposite of idealist. Image source: Thesaurus)

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