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Prepping 101: Doomsday Bunker – Part 2: Best Location, Sturdy Material & Raw Power

Iraq doomsday bunker

however is out of reach for many common people unless it is the which you will need to ensure the continuation of the government during a natural disaster or war OR you are one of the billionaires who have the money and resources to build your own fancy, high-tech doomsday bunkers. When the US invaded Iraq, the Iraq Government was operating from a bunker. Image source: Twitter

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Environment 101: Understanding Malaysia’s 2016 Positive Greenhouse Gas Emission Edge

Greenhouse Gas Deforestation Forest Malaysia

Global Forest Watch reported that from 2002 to 2020, had lost about 2.70Mha (around 27,000 square kilometres) of humid primary forest which in turn impacts the greenhouse gases emission.

This amounts to 34% of the total tree cover loss in the same 20 years. Interestingly this also amounted to a loss of 8.39Mha (around 84,000 square kilometres) of tree cover, equivalent to a 29% decrease in tree cover since 2000 and 4.82Gt of CO₂e emissions. Chart & information source: Global Forest Watch

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Recycling 101: Why We Are Not Segregating Our Waste in Malaysia?

waste segregation environment garbage recycling

In 2015 the made it mandatory for residents to separate their at the source and I was happy that finally something concrete being done on the manner our is being processed.

After all, we have not gone big by going with on a wider scale coupled with a greater push towards protecting the . Image source: Ministry of Housing & Local Government.

Read More »Recycling 101: Why We Are Not Segregating Our Waste in Malaysia?

Economy 101: What Is Interesting In 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP)?

10MP Bloomberg Malaysia Plan Economy Malaysia

(The problem with Najib is not his ideas in his but his willpower and having the right character to make the actual change. After the stunt, he pulled off in Perak, who is going to believe what he says? Image source: Bloomberg)

Read More »Economy 101: What Is Interesting In 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP)?

Malaysia 101: Why We Are Lacking Money for Schools?

Classroom School Malaysia Design

(How well we have designed our with the right that is conducive for better learning? Are we spending on real that will create doctors, engineers and scientists or wasting it to create religious teachers? Image source: Wikipedia)

Read More »Malaysia 101: Why We Are Lacking Money for Schools?