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Advertisement 101: Tailgating, A Great Advertisement in Astro

car crash tailgating advertisement driving

Tailgating – some idiots do it on a daily basis. Image source: The Sun

They have little consideration on the safety of others. Anyone who saw this in Astro must have appreciated the great message that the advertisement was trying to convey – don’t tailgate. But a quick look at the advertisement reveals other important lessons too.

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Handling meetings

I was typing this during my break from a system walkthrough and as I pondered on the tough day I had, I realized that there is no easy way for handling tough audience (in my case, end users).

For those who gone through the same, I am sure you would have seen these kind audiences / users before: –



[Click to read the rest] “Handling meetings”

Driving Skills 101: How to drive like a “Schumacher” in the rain?


(King of the – Schumacher is a specialist on slippery roads and very much in control in a very wet race. Image source: Youtube)

There is little doubt that Michael Schumacher is the king of the rain when it comes to . His very controlled style of has won him numerous races in the wet. Malaysia being in the tropics is no stranger to heavy thunderstorms. So, how does one drives like a Schumacher (Schumacher – in the sense of controlled driving, not racing)?

Read More »Driving Skills 101: How to drive like a “Schumacher” in the rain?

You want to be smarter? You want to try what I am “trying” now?

This is how a neuron connects to another neuron and passes the information to be processed. You would have learned this in your Biology class. Isn’t it just amazing what the human body can do?

Our brain contains millions of cells called neurons involved in the transmission and processing of information.… [Click to read the rest] “You want to be smarter? You want to try what I am “trying” now?”

Sorry…I have been infected with a fever!

Before anyone presses the panic button, let me assure you that I am not down with any dengue fever. I have been hit with a “Bing & Bong” fever. They are the characters from children serial “Tiny Planets”.

The symptoms (finger automatically pressing on channel 63 at about 9.54 pm and humming Tiny Planets theme song when I am taking shower) started last 2 weeks when I watching my son’s favorite kiddies shows when I realized he was almost silent, concentrating almost 101% on the show that was on the TV…”Tiny Planets”

The scenario is pretty simple:-


[Click to read the rest] “Sorry…I have been infected with a fever!”

History 101: Boring School Concert – Where You Were Involved?

Concert Orchestra Music

Trust me, when it comes to participating in school concerts, I would be one of the last people to volunteer for them and it is due for a number of reasons. One of them is that I was a quiet shy person and I hate to set aside time to do the rehearsals. Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Read More »History 101: Boring School Concert – Where You Were Involved?

Cop’s story – read it to believe it

Today, The Star had a story titled “Cops foil at cigarette hoarder’s house”. For those who have read the story, I am sure, will be wondering about the “sleek silvery driven by a , rammed into the robbers car” (picture source: The Star).

However, I must admit that it is not everyday, you see our police chasing robbers with high performance cars.… [Click to read the rest] “Cop’s story – read it to believe it”

Those who cannot park properly are bastards!


Definition: BASTARD (n.) – 1. A child born out of wedlock 2 Something that is of irregular, inferior, or dubious origin.

My friend and I decided to go a dinner late last night and we drove to one of our favorite Mamak restaurant in Puchong. When we reached there, we had a hard time looking for a parking spot.… [Click to read the rest] “Those who cannot park properly are bastards!”