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It’s Rainy Season!

It’s been raining cats and dogs here in Bangkok for the last 2 days.

The rain showed it’s "light side" on the day I arrived in Bangkok couple days ago but yesterday it showed the darker side of it. It started raining from 5.00 pm and it continued by the time we "ran" to the hotel at 9.00 pm. That is 4 hours of heavy downpour! It continued to rain even after that.

The view of the rain from my office – some part of the road have started to flood

Predictably it started to flood in some part of the area where the office was located. Luckily for us, the road from the office to the hotel was not flooded. So, we managed tiptoe to the hotel – little bit wet on the shoes but otherwise was dry on the other part of the body.

I was watching CNN where it was mentioned that Hong Kong and China were braving themselves on the onslaught of the Chanchu typhoon. The unusual heavy rain in Bangkok could be the side effect from that. Then again it may not be. This morning’s newspaper ran a column, which mentioned that there would be more rain in the next few days due to the El Nina effect.

Rain that is longer and heavier, sigh. It’s time to keep an umbrella on stand by Tag: Other Trips

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