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December 2006

Odd time, Right time

(Clock picture source:

Mondays seems to be the wrong to time to think of a post for the blog. So, let’s talk about time, shall we?

Odd time

Odd time is when I woke up at 1.30 am this morning to pick up some relatives from the Puduraya bus station and by the time I reached home, it was almost 3.00 am.

[Click to read the rest] “Odd time, Right time”

Linux QA Tester

An old photo of my son using my computer before limited access to the computer was “imposed” on him.

A QA tester as I know is someone who tests a system till it fails. When I doing some QA testing on a software, I was asked to do whatever it takes to crash the system so that the system engineers could take a look on what had happened and make the system more robust.… [Click to read the rest] “Linux QA Tester”