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December 2006

In Prison Cell

(Picture source:

Sam woke up in cold sweat and having lost track of the time, he was disillusioned as to where he was.

Soon everything slowly comes back to his memory – the time spent in the courts, his friends and family members shying away from him, countless hours of interrogations both by the police and then by the lawyers and finally the judge finding him guilty as charged and sentencing him to the death sentence.… [Click to read the rest] “In Prison Cell”

Wake up and….

Wake up and smell the roses!

I recently added a yellow rose to my collection of roses in my small garden and it has been refreshing to wake up in the morning and to head straight to the garden and smell the fresh perfume fragrance of the rose.

I have a couple of roses in my garden – white with red edges, a full red and a full flame color (a mixture of red and orange) but none of the them have a strong rosy fragrance.… [Click to read the rest] “Wake up and….”

Change in Working Culture?


Kaizen! That word has been running loose in my mind at the moment.

I am presently working on a PowerPoint slides featuring the working culture of the “greatest car manufacturer” in the world. I suppose to present it in couple of weeks time to all staff – so I am trying to crank my head to get the content just right and as interesting as possible.[Click to read the rest] “Change in Working Culture?”